ICU Care At Home

Our nurses are experienced in providing a complete range of nursing care specializations, which includes: 

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ICU Care At Home

Our nurses are experienced in providing a complete range of nursing care specializations, which includes:

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ICU Care Services At Home

What is meant by Intensive Care?

Intensive care refers to the dedicated care of patients who are seriously ill as deemed by the doctors. These patients require special treatment, so they are often placed in designated special units called the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital. The medication, treatment procedures, hygiene and the assistance is immediate and of better quality, since the patient’s medical condition is severe, and he or she requires utmost importance when it comes to dedicating a clinic/hospital’s resources. A person who is severely ill can only be admitted in the emergency ward or the ICU.


Intensive care can also be carried out at home, but requires setup of adequate instruments that are required in case of an emergency, doctor’s assistance, proper aeration and establishing a sterile environment. There will also be a huge dependency on the availability of a dedicated medical team to take care of the patient in emergency conditions.

People who might have faced a serious accident, or a patient suffering from organ malfunction, might often require immediate setup of an intensive care unit. With the advancement in medical technology and operations, it has become possible to organize intensive care at home.


There are several different reasons why a patient might require emergency care –


  • Due to a severe injury such as an accident, a head injury, fall from a great height or deadly burns from hot water or fire.
  • Due to an instant stroke or a heart attack, or an abrupt fall or increase in the sugar level in the body or blood pressure in the body.
  • Due to a severe type of infection in the body, such as severe sepsis and pneumonia.
  • Due to incidents that require immediate attention, such as snake bite, exposure to noxious gases, etc.

Intensive care is provided by the highly qualified doctors and trained staff members, specialized to operate at peak efficiency during an emergency scenario. There are also trained to use a number of highly advanced medical devices and procedures.


The instruments provided in the ICU include the following:


  1. Ventilator
  2. The instrument used for monitoring
  3. IV lines and pumps
  4. Tubes used for feeding the patients
  5. Drains and catheters used for excretion purpose.
  6. The medical team has to be well trained for emergency procedures and assistance.

Care24 provides intensive care support which comes in the from a specialized group of highly qualified doctors, well trained nurses, staff members, and other medical superintendents. 24/7 assistance is provided to the patient who requires intensive care. The main motive of the entire medical team is to put in their 100% and recover the patient from the emergency condition. Care24 looks after the patients by providing highly trained nurses who are well acquainted with tackling extremely difficult situations. Care24 also facilitates the supply and deployment of emergency equipment.

Conditions We Treat

How We Made A Difference

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Happy Patients



Years Of Experience



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Frequently Asked questions

  • When recovering from an illness or surgery, you look forward to returning to your own home and recuperating in an environment where you are comfortable, relaxed and safe. This is made possible with our in-home nursing services.
  • Care needs of those who are advanced in age and are unable to take care of themselves can be an overwhelming task for the rest of the family members. This often leads to the thought that a nursing home/care home is the only practical option left.
  • Complex care needs might make one want to consider moving to a nursing home to recover under the watch of trained professionals. Our in-home nursing services can help you recover in the comfort of your own home.
    Our in-home nursing services will help smoothen-out the transition from Hospital to Home
  • Recovery in familiar surroundings, surrounded by family, is proven to be quicker
  • Our nurses take care of your complex needs while helping you maintain your independence, lifestyle and daily routine.
  • Home care nursing helps those advanced in age too; for them home is where all their memories are, where their children and grand-children live. It is the place they feel needed and loved.
    With our home care nursing services, you can provide the best care for your loved one in the family home, without making any extra demands of your family members.

Care24’s trained nurses provide high quality home care nursing services for hospital like care at home. Whether you are looking for simple support in doing everyday tasks when recovering or need complex care that can be daunting for family members to undertake. Our nurses are highly trained medical professionals capable of providing hospital-like care in the comfort of your own home.

Our nurses are experienced in providing a complete range of nursing care specializations:

  • Taking medicines on time, monitoring blood pressure and other vitals, and fixing a diet plan
  • Oral and personal hygiene, feeding and bathroom assistance, or assistance with mobility
  • Caring and dressing wounds, handling IV infusions and other medical equipment, emptying catheter bags, colostomy bags and bed pans
  • Our nurses (females) or brothers (males) are highly qualified, experienced, and capable of providing hospital like nursing care in the comfort of your own home. All our Nurses go through a rigorous background check, a written exam and trained in all medical procedures that are listed below to ensure you get expert & professional in-home nursing services.
  • Our Nurses are medically qualified with BSc, GNM, or ANM degrees, and many years of experience with leading hospitals. Since each case is unique and may require specific skills, we also ensure that we identify and deploy which nurse will be best for your need.
  • Our nurses and brothers are discreet, and sensitive to the emotional and physical needs of the patient and other family members. Our Nurses are familiar with following a physician’s instructions when caring for a patient and empathic to offer encouragement and support to those who require our nursing care services.

You can fill a request form on our website or download our app and simply click a button to request a Nurse.

Provide us with medical details of the patient who needs nursing care, the tasks the nurse needs to do, the duration for which you need our in-home nursing services and your preferences of gender or language if any.

Our team will connect with you to confirm your requirement and send a nurse to take care of the patient. All our nurses are uniformed and carry identification to help you know that you are indeed letting a trained professional from Care24 into your home.