5 Things To NOT SAY To A Suicidal Or Depressed Person: Part 2
In our earlier story, we shared about 5 more things you should NEVER EVER say to someone you suspect is depressed or suicidal, even if you feel they are faking it.
5 Things To NOT SAY To A Suicidal Or Depressed Person: Part 2
In our earlier story, we shared about 5 more things you should NEVER EVER say to someone you suspect is depressed or suicidal, even if you feel they are faking it.
5 Things To NOT SAY To A Suicidal Or Depressed Person: Part 1
If you are dealing with a suicidal person, there are certain things you should take care of, and the first thing to keep in mind is the way you speak and what you say.
Suicide Alert: Signs To Watch Out For And How To Prevent
As much as 90 percent people who commit suicide do have clinical depression or some other mental disorder. Once that happens, it is easier to prevent the same too.
4 Common Breastfeeding Problems And How To Solve Them: Part 2
There will be times when you and your baby may find it difficult to breastfeed smoothly, here are some breastfeeding problems you may face, how you can solve them.
Essential Vitamins During Pregnancy
Eating healthy diet is always a wise idea, especially during pregnancy. It is also good during pregnancy to take prenatal vitamins to help cover any nutritional gaps.
Treating PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Cancer
The symptoms of PCOS that one patient experiences can be different from another patient. If you have two or more symptoms you need to have a thorough PCOS checkup.
5 Yoga Asanas You Should Try Out Now
Hear are 5 Yoga Asanas you can easily do at home, and that have some lasting positive effects on your health.
4 Common Breastfeeding Problems And How To Solve Them: Part 1
As a new mom or parent, one of the first hurdles you may face in your parenting journey is to successfully breastfeed your baby. A motheräó»s milk, especially the first milk, also known as colostrum, has some of the highest amounts of nutrition that your baby can ever get.
10 Foods That Will Increase Your Memory
Eating healthy has a lot of benefits for your overall health, Here are 10 foods you should start munching to keep your brain healthy, and your memory sharp.
With our fast and on-the-go lifestyle, we are constantly swamped with work and distractions. We need to make the most out of our days and are continuously under the pressure of getting enough done. We are subjected to a lot of mental stress and this causes premature aging. As we grow old, we lose strength and flexibility but we fail to make it to the gym and work out cause that leads to further physical exhaustion. How do we break through this vicious cycle? The answer is simple: practice Yoga.
Here’s How Right Care Can Help Your Baby Reach Important Milestones
For the first three years of life, your baby will achieve some of the most important milestones, as well as grow on a physical, mental and emotional level. While the first five years are the most crucial in terms of overall physical and brain development, the first three mark the main years of achieving all the milestones.
5 Benefits Of Oncology Care At Home
Receiving right amount of care, attention and respect from medical caregivers can often have a lasting effect on cancer patients & can bring about various positive changes.
8 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects women; here are 8 preventive measures to reduce your chances of being at risk for breast cancer.
The need for nutrition awareness: Changing the way we eat one bite at a time
A balanced nutrition when coupled with required physical activity and salutary lifestyle helps keep diseases and disorders at an armäó»s length.
Cleaning Hands 101: All You Need To Know
Hand hygiene is an important part of your entire hygiene system. Know some of the most common myths that abound about hand washing.
4 Hand-washing Myths You Thought Were True!
What if some of the most popular things you knew about handwashing & hand hygiene was actually a myth? Check out these myths that most people believe to be true.
5 Tips That Help Prevent Arthritis
Adding a few changes in your daily routine can help prevent or delay the onset of arthritis and help minimize the pain, while easing you back in your daily schedule.
Types Of Arthritis And Early Signs To Watch Out For
Arthritis is nothing but an inflammation that occurs in your joints and can lead to redness, tenderness, swelling and a feeling of heat at the affected area.
Why Your Newborn Needs Experienced And Trained Caregivers, Along With Your Care
Here are some reason why Your Newborn Needs Experienced and Trained Caregivers, Along With Your parental instincts, love and care.
What Is Preventing Your Newborn From Sleeping Through The Night
One of the biggest challenges that most parents face is to help baby sleep through the night, here are a few tips which will help you to make newborn baby sleep.
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