8 Real Tips To Help Quit Smoking

If you’ve been thinking about quitting smoking you’re already on the right track. And no, you are not alone. Almost 69% smokers have thought of giving up smoking at least once, and many have succeeded. So if you’re looking for some effective ways that can help you quit the butt and get healthy, read on.

1. Do It Without Help

Out of all the people who try to quit smoking, almost 90 percent do it on their own, and succeed. This approach, of trying to quit smoking without any outside help is also known as the Cold Turkey method. The only thing you would require to follow this approach is to have a strong determination.

2. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

In this method of quitting smoking, you can take the help of certain nicotine containing products that will give you your initial dose of nicotine, but without using a cigarette. When you first try to quit, it can be difficult to suddenly cut off your complete supply of nicotine, and the NRT approach will help you do it in a balanced way, especially if you combine it with behavioural therapy. Some methods involve wearing a nicotine patch, chewing a nicotine gum, using inhalers or sprays and so on. Remember that those under 18 years of age will require a doctor’s recommendation to use it.

3. Behavioral Therapy

This is a very effective way that can help you quit smoking along with help and guidance from a professional counsellor. The person will help you identify various triggers that increase your urge to smoke, and will effectively help you overcome and avoid the same. In addition, your counsellor will also help you formulate a plan that can best overcome the problem.

4. Avoid Your Triggers

Once you have identified your smoking triggers (or if your counsellor has helped you with the same), the next step for you is to avoid them at all costs. The triggers that lead to a craving for smoke can be different for different people. Some of the most common triggers include alcohol, stress, parties, being bored, peer pressure and even certain types of foods or snacks.

5. Medication

If you’ve really been trying hard to quit but have not managed to do so, your doctor can suggest certain medications that can help. Before prescribing the medications though, your doctor will speak with you and understand your overall medical condition, as well as check if you are already on any medication. Refrain from trying any over the counter (OTC) drugs, as what can work for someone may not work for you, and in some cases can also have a negative impact.

6. Combination Of Multiple Treatment Methods

Sometimes, if you are unable to quit smoking through any particular method, your doctor may suggest a combination of multiple methods. For instance, your counsellor may suggest you wear a nicotine patch while also going for behavioural therapy, or use medication along with NRT. Please refrain from mixing the treatments yourself, unless prescribed by a professional.

7. Make A Quit Plan And Talk About It

Once you have decided that you want to quit smoking, make a plan that will help you achieve it. Start by announcing to your family, friends, relatives and colleagues that you intend to give up smoking. Remove all traces of smoking from your home, car and office space such as ashtrays, old cigarette packs and such. Ask your friends and colleagues to help you quit by not asking you to accompany them for smoking breaks.

8. Mint It

Many smokers who have successfully quit the habit swear by the effectiveness of mint. Not only is it a very simple plan to follow, it is also quite helpful. All you have to do is, each time you start feeling the urge to smoke, pop a mint (whether fresh mint leaves or gum) and chew it as slowly as possible. Close your eyes and relish the taste and the fragrance of the mint.

Remember that once you start trying to quit smoking, most of your friends and family will support you in the same. The first few weeks will be the hardest, so don’t give up easily.

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