4 Common Breastfeeding Problems And How To Solve Them: Part 2

While it surely is a beautiful journey, breastfeeding also comes with its own hiccups. There will be times when you and your baby may find it difficult to breastfeed smoothly, but some practice and time will bring things back to track.

We did talk about 4 very common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them in our previous article in the series.

For now, here are some more breastfeeding problems you may face, and here’s how you can solve them.

Problems which keep baby awake

This is one of the most common and sweetest problems that most mums come across while breastfeeding. Babies find feeding one of the most soothing experiences ever and it is no doubt that it comforts them and puts them to sleep.

Often, your baby may get so comfortable that even before feeding is halfway through, it’s time to doze off.

How To Help: Instead of trying to wake up baby, let your little one stay latched on. Keep pressing out milk so that it goes inside your baby’s mouth, but make sure you do it slowly and in small intervals. As you do so, your baby will keep swallowing the milk, even if asleep.

baby spits after each feed

Sometimes, your baby may spit up milk after each feeding, leaving you worried whether or not there is any milk left inside and if your baby is staying hungry. Some babies will just spit up a little bit, while some will spit up more, and both situations are normal.

How To Help: Sometimes, your baby may end up feeding more than required, and spitting is a natural way of throwing out the excess. To avoid spill-ups, keep a small towel handy so that you can clean your baby and yourself as required. Make sure to burp your baby after each feed, even if your baby had only a little milk. As long as your baby is gaining weight as per age and is otherwise happy, don’t be concerned.

baby keeps biting

There will come a time when your baby will start teething and want to bite all the time! While there is nothing unnatural about it, it is definitely very painful and uncomfortable for you. Also, it could lead to cuts and injury, which may make feeding difficult and unhygienic too.

How To Help: Feed baby in such a way that the mouth and nose are very close to your skin, and there is not much space to open the mouth and try to bite. Also, the moment you feel your baby’s gums or tooth coming in contact with the breast or nipple, insert your little finger and stop baby from eating you up.

breasts not full

Many moms feel that their breasts are not as full as they were after the birth, and this usually happens around the second or third month. You will feel lighter in the breasts, and may worry that the milk you produce may not be enough for your little one.

How To Help: When your breasts start feeling a little lighter than earlier, it means that your body is now adapting to the actual needs of your baby’s hunger, instead of producing excess. In the weeks and earliest months after delivery, you will notice a lot of milk seeping out and getting wasted. However, this will stop now, and your baby will get as much milk as required, without any going to waste.

Breastfeeding is a time of constant adjustments for both you and the baby. Time and practice and constantly nursing your little one as required will help to make it easy and enjoyable too. If you feel your baby is uncomfortable, cranky or is too sleepy, make sure to discuss it with the baby’s doctor.

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