7 Stages Of Alzheimer’s And Symptoms

According to most medical experts, Alzheimer’s disease progresses through 7 stages, starting from normal and ending in a very severe decline stage. Not all the stages are exactly same for everyone, but the symptoms and condition will be more or less similar.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s:

  • Difficulty in understanding basic things
  • Memory loss
  • Forgetful to the extent of not remembering something related to an activity done moments before
  • Confused and or dazed
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Not able to recognize regular objects or people
  • Unable to take care of basic self-care
  • Getting aggressive or suffering sudden and severe mood swings
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Hallucinating
  • Unable to eat
  • Repeating things or words over and over again
  • Wandering around and getting lost

Stage 1: Normal Outward Behaviour

In the earliest phase, a person will not exhibit any signs that are visible to others. At this point, Alzheimer’s can only be diagnosed through a PET scan, which is a type of imaging test that can show whether or not there are traces of Alzheimer’s.

Stage 2: Extremely Mild Changes

By this stage, you will still not be able to notice any change, but there are certain things that will show up nonetheless. It could be that the person forgets a word here or there, or keeps something and can’t find it later.

Stage 3: Slow And Mild Decline

Around stage 3, you will probably be able to pick up some changes in the patient, such as asking for the same information repeatedly, or forgetting what you just mentioned. At this stage, it will also get difficult to be organized or make sensible plans.

Stage 4: Moderate Decline

By the 4th stage, the condition of the 3rd stage will worsen, and the person will find it difficult to concentrate and focus. They will find it more and more difficult to remember things and may even forget what day or month it is.

Stage 5: Moderate Yet Severe Decline

The condition will worsen from the 5th stage and the person may find it difficult to remember where he or she is. By this stage, they will find it difficult to remember an address, telephone number, contact person’s details, and basic things that can be related to their own safety. He or she may also not be able to understand what season it is and what clothes to wear.

Stage 6: Extreme Decline

This is the stage that will start getting very difficult, and you may find it really tricky to connect with your loved one. By the 6th stage, your loved one may not be able to associate your face with the right name or relation. This is also the stage where the person may start getting delusional and confuse someone for someone else.

Stage 7: Very Extreme Decline

In the final stage, the person will find it difficult to carry out basic day to activities, such as eating, sitting, walking, picking up a spoon and such. While they may be able to do it, they may not remember how to do it anymore.

Caring for someone suffering from Alzheimer’s can be hard emotionally, physically as well as mentally. It is natural to feel frustrated and angry at times. Make sure you seek professional caretaker‘s help, so that you are able to rest and care for yourself, in order to be able to give your loved one all the help and love you can.

Also Read:

How does one Diagnose Alzheimer’s

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