3 Easy Poses Of Yoga For Frozen Shoulder

Yoga For Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is a condition when you experience stiffness and pain in your shoulders. Not only does it restrict your mobility, but it can also interfere with your everyday routine. There are various reasons for a frozen shoulder. You may experience it after a stroke, or if you have been suffering from diabetes. You may also experience it after an injury or due to some form of substance overuse. In most cases, you will experience the stiffness in a slow and gradual progression, which may get better in a year or so. Many experts say that yoga for frozen shoulder can help to heal the shoulder issue. There are some frozen shoulder yoga exercises which are easy and can be done consistently. It is proven that yoga for frozen shoulder pain is the most simple and effective treatment.

How can a frozen shoulder develop?

Cells are surrounding our arm, shoulder blade, and collarbone. These cells keep a hold on everything together. As the synovial fluid is not distributed properly due to which the movement of the shoulder is very painful. Sometimes, individuals who are suffering from it also notice that the arm becomes a little bit shorter than the other.


  • It may be the very first phase of frozen shoulder, in which you feel like one of your shoulder is paining. Pain and stiffness in one shoulder are its main symptoms. The pain can spread across your shoulder muscles close to your arm. You might get a tingling sensation in your upper arm. As time passes, the stiffness leads to pain and difficulty to move your shoulder.
  • The pain in the shoulder that was believed to be during the night, impacts the sleep pattern of the sufferer. Over time, you won’t have the ability to move your shoulder. It will affect your daily life and you will struggle to do regular chores like wearing clothes, eating, bathing, etc..
  • Your doctor can assist you in treating the same with the help of medication, or even surgery. However, yoga is a natural healing process that can help to eliminate the stiffness, reduce tension in the area, ease pain and help you regain mobility. Try these easy poses that can reduce the discomfort and get you going.

3 Yoga Poses To Ease A Frozen Shoulder

1. Gomukhasana

Yoga For Frozen Shoulder

Gomukhasana – Yoga For Frozen Shoulder

  • Sit down in a cross-legged position.
  • Place your right knee over the left one so that your left heel touches the right hip. The right heel should touch the left hip.
  • Lift your right hand over your head and fold at the elbow. Now stretch it down to reach the back. Fold your left hand at the elbow and take it backward.
  • Hold your arms together by locking your fingers. Keep your back as straight as you can.
  • Keep breathing at your normal pace until a count of 5.
  • Slowly get back to your regular position and do the same steps with the reverse hand and leg.
  • Repeat a few times.

This particular yoga pose will help you stretch the muscles in your shoulders, neck, and back and help to reduce the stiffness.

Yoga For Frozen Shoulder Pain

Internal & External Arm Rotation – Yoga For Frozen Shoulder Pain

  • Stand with your back straight.
  • Place the right palm on your left shoulder. Now stretch out your right hand to the side and take it back to touch the left shoulder from the back.
  • Repeat with the other side.
  • Repeat a few times.

This particular yoga pose will help to improve blood circulation around your shoulder and neck area.

3. Shoulder Rotations

Frozen Shoulder Yoga Exercises

Shoulder Rotations – Frozen Shoulder Yoga Exercises

  • Stand straight with your spine erect and hands placed at the sides.
  • Now start rotating the shoulders, first in a clockwise motion and then in an anti-clockwise motion.
  • Make sure your hands are placed at the sides and touching your body.
  • Repeat both clockwise and anti-clockwise motion for at least 10 times each.

This particular yoga pose will help to reduce stiffness and improve mobility in the shoulders and back.

In addition to yoga, you can also try the following to ease the pain and discomfort:

  • Apply an ice pack in the morning and evening to the affected area.
  • Regularly practice stretching exercises to improve blood circulation and ease stiffness.
  • Avoid carrying weights as much as possible.
  • If you are wearing a bag, place the strap on the shoulder that is not affected.

You may also get in touch with our physiotherapist to assist with regular exercises that can help.

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