Ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Amongst the vast majority of health cases, Alzheimer’s is one of the common chronic conditions. Alzheimer’s probably occurs as a result of complex interactions between various factors, which include age, genetics, environment, lifestyle choices, and other medical conditions. There are some risk factors involved, such as age or genes, that cannot be changed; other risk factors like high blood pressure and lack of exercise can be modified to help lessen the risk. Study in certain areas may lead to new methods to identify people at the highest risk for developing Alzheimer’s.

So the question is, can you prevent Alzheimer’s disease? No evidence proves how you can avoid Alzheimer’s disease, but there are few things you can to as some preventative measures. The following are ways on how to prevent measures for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Regular Exercises for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation states that regular physical exercise can lessen your risk of developing Alzheimer’s condition by up to 50 percent.

  • Try for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout each week. The ideal plan includes a combination of cardio workout and strengthening exercises. Suitable exercises for beginners include walking and swimming.
  • Build muscle to pump up your brain. Moderate levels of weight and resistance exercise not only build muscle mass, but they also help you maintain a healthy mind. Especially people over 65 age should add 2-3 strength sessions to your weekly workout regime as it may cut your risk of Alzheimer’s.
  • Include balance and coordination exercises in the workout regime. Head injuries from falls are common as you age, which raises your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. To protect your head when you exercise, wearing a sports helmet when cycling can be helpful. Balance and coordination workouts can help you stay active and help avoid falls.

Social Activities

Several studies show that maintaining strong social connections and being mentally active as you age might reduce the risk of cognitive deterioration and Alzheimer’s. Experts are not sure about the reason for this connection. It could be due to primary mechanisms through which the social and mental stimulation strengthen associations among the nerve cells in the brain. So engage yourself in social activities to avoid Alzheimer’s disease.

Eating Healthy

Inflammation, and insulin resistance, damage neurons and inhibit communication between brain cells in Alzheimer’s. Sometimes, Alzheimer’s is referred to as “diabetes of the brain,” and a developing body of the study implies a strong connection between metabolic disorders and the signal processing systems. By changing your eating habits, you can help lessen the inflammation and protect your brain.

Maintain your weight- Extra Kilos on your body are a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. A major research discovered that people who were overweight in their midlife were twice as likely to get Alzheimer’s in the future, and people who were obese had three times the risk. So losing weight can be helpful to protect your brain.

Control sugar intake – Have a sweet tooth? Foods with high sugar content and refined carbs such as white flour, white rice, and pasta can cause quite some spikes in blood sugar levels, which inflames your brain. Be careful and aware of hidden sugar in all sorts of packaged foods from cereals, bread, and low or no-fat products.

 Mediterranean diet is the way to go – Numerous studies show that eating a Mediterranean diet lessens the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Mediterranean diet includes plenty of vegetables, beans, whole grains, fish, and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet limits processed food, which is the reason why it is so helpful for Alzheimer’s disease.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables- Eating fruits and vegetables, the more, the better. Eating different kinds of fruits and veggies of varied colors to maximize the benefit of protective antioxidants and vitamins, including green leafy vegetables and berries.

Home-cooked food is the best – Home-cooked diet ensures fresh and wholesome meals that are high in brain-healthy nutrients and low in sugar, salt, unhealthy fat, and preservatives.

Drinking Moderately –The brain can benefit from consuming red wine in moderation. However, heavy alcohol consumption can raise the risk of Alzheimer’s and expedite brain aging.

Activities for Mental Stimulation

People who continue to learn new things and challenge their brains in daily life are less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease.

Activities requiring multiple tasks or requiring conversation, interaction, and planning offer the highest protection. Keep aside sometime time each day to stimulate the brain:

  • Learn something different, if possible, study a foreign language, practice a musical instrument, or learn to paint. One of the best means to take up a new hobby is to sign up for a course and then schedule regular times for studying the same. The higher the complexity and challenge, the higher the benefit you can gain.
  • Play strategy games, puzzles, and riddles as they provide a great mental workout and build your capacity to form and maintain cognitive associations. Play a crossword puzzle, play board games, cards, or word and number games such as Scrabble or Sudoku.

These were some ways to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. Now can you stop Alzheimer’s Disease? The answer for this is not definite. But you can take care of yourself by making some basic changes.

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