Suicide Alert: Signs To Watch Out For And How To Prevent

In fact, there are many signs that you can watch out for in a loved one, and even in yourself, that may signal towards thoughts of suicide. As much as 90 percent people who commit suicide do have clinical depression or some other mental disorder. Once that happens, it is easier to prevent the same too.


Here are some of the earliest and most common signs that suggest a suicidal tendency:

  • Talking about suicide, loss of life, death, about someone who has committed the same in real life or in fiction
  • Talking about hurting self or doing it for real
  • Depression, early signs or severe, or a prevalent sense of being sad or low
  • Feeling guilty about letting self or others down, talking about being useless or having a low self-esteem
  • Always unsure about self or self-worth
  • Getting dependent on substances such as alcohol, smoking, chemicals, drugs and such
  • Shifting between moods, from one intense reaction to another, such as being extremely low and quiet and suddenly becoming very happy and hyper, or turning violent and abusive in the next instance
  • Feeling anxious, stressed or unduly nervous and conscious
  • Fluctuating between weights, such as losing or gaining weight without any actual reason
  • Eating disorder: eating too much even when being full or avoiding eating at long stretches
  • Suffering various health problems without any apparent reason
  • Avoiding going out or socializing or meeting people who are closely connected. Avoiding social gatherings
  • Showing a disconnect with the material world and handing away possessions, or starting to become detached with people, pets and things
  • Crying or shouting and abusing without any reason
  • Trying to pick out fights without any reason
  • Sudden lack of interest in physical appearance or in sexual activities
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleep disorder: sleeping too much or too less

preventing suicide

It is not always easy to reach out to a suicidal person, and your best efforts may also prove inadequate. But remember that when you suspect someone of being suicidal, you really have to keep trying and being there. Also, make sure to speak to a doctor and get professional help to avoid any unpleasant situation. Here are some things you can do to help prevent someone from committing suicide:

  • Be there and listen, without being judgmental or without giving your opinion. Sometimes, just listening to a person without interrupting can be a big step towards making them feel better.
  • Don’t say words that can counter their thoughts. If they say they feel suicidal, don’t say something such as: How can you say like something that? Acknowledge what is being said and understand the reason behind it. See how you can help.
  • Never leave a suicidal person alone, even for a minute. Sometimes, it takes less than a minute to kill one self.
  • Don’t react to suicidal talks as mere threats or a way of gaining attention. Please give it due importance.
  • Tell the person what they mean to you and how much you love them.
  • If you feel nothing is helping and there is an imminent danger, immediately alert the authorities.

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