Post-Operative Care For Heart Surgery

If you have recently had a heart surgery or are about to have one, or if you are caring for someone who has had a heart surgery, make sure to follow certain care tips that can be important for overall well-being.

5 Things To Remember After A Heart Surgery

1. Proper Rest

Once you have a surgery, your body needs a lot of rest and care to heal completely. In case of a heart surgery, the body needs even more rest. Make sure to avoid any type of physical work that could cause stress or exertion. Once your doctor gives you the go-ahead, start a little exercise, such as light walking, which can help you recover faster and better.

2. Taking Care Of The Wound

It is important to keep the wound area completely dry and clean. Your doctor will advise you on when you can take a shower, so make sure to follow the instructions carefully. If you notice any redness or warmth in the wound area, any discharge or have a fever, call the doctor immediately.

3. Pain

Your doctor will prescribe medication to take care of the pain and discomfort after you are back home. It is normal to experience some itching and tightness in the wound area, and this is a sign that your wound is healing the way it should. In case of a bypass surgery, doctors sometimes use leg veins, and you will feel more pain in your leg than in your chest. Basic exercise can often help, but make sure to check with your doctor first.

4. Everyday Routine And Activities

You will be able to get back to your regular routine and activities gradually, but make sure you do this in a slow and medically approved way. For at least 8 to 10 weeks after the surgery, take things easy and avoid physical exertion as much as possible. While you can start doing small things around the house that require little movement, do not exert yourself. For instance, don’t lift anything heavy, or don’t stand at a stretch for more than 5 to 10 minutes.

5. Proper Diet

What you eat and drink after your surgery can play a big role in your overall recovery process. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions about what you can eat and what you should avoid, so make sure you follow all dietary details to the T. It is possible that you do not feel like eating at all, and this is natural after having a surgery. Do not skip meals but go for smaller meals at regular intervals and do not stay hungry. If you always find it difficult to eat, check with your doctor about the same.

Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy

  • Eat fresh and healthy foods and exercise regularly
  • Quit smoking, drinking and substance use
  • Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night
  • Reduce the amount of fat and salt intake and increase fibre content in your food

Your doctor can help form the perfect post-operative plan, but it is possible that you may need some assistance in the initial weeks to get the right care. Whether you are looking after someone who has had a heart surgery, or have gone through it yourself, you can get in touch with our home health care experts to get the best care and assistance.

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