Physical Therapy Exercises For Parkinson’s Disease

With the right type of physical therapy exercise, it is possible to control the effects of Parkinson’s disease.

Physical therapy that is aimed for a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease will mainly focus on the following two aspects.

1. Gait Retraining

The first one is gait retraining, in which the physiotherapist will teach and guide the patient on how to stand up, walk and move ahead. While there are various ways to do so, the physiotherapist will mostly concentrate on repeating the actual steps that a person uses while walking, and use these to help the patient walk again.

2. Motor Control Relearning

The second one is motor control relearning, in which the physiotherapist helps the patient improve various motor skills through repetitive motions. It also helps to improve overall movement in the patient.

Here are some of the main benefits of physical therapy exercises for those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease:

  • Balance and coordination
  • Ability to move and walk
  • Overcome fatigue
  • Improve stamina
  • Reduce or control pain
  • Improve and maintain posture

Here is a list of the various types of physical therapy based exercises that can help a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease:

  • Breathing exercises that can help to improve both the inhalation and the exhalation process
  • Stretching exercises that will help the muscles to stretch and warm up before any other exercises
  • Rhythmic exercises with rotational movements that are done in slow motions
  • Different exercises to help the patient relearn about sitting, standing up and walking
  • Exercises to improve posture and maintain control over posture, that include static and dynamic exercises
  • Exercises that are aimed at stretching all parts of the body
  • Exercises that will focus on functional mobility training. These types of exercises often include exercises that help in bed mobility, transfer training as well as helping a patient get out of a chair or from a sitting position
  • Stationary exercises that can help the patient learn and relearn reciprocal movements, such as using a stationary bicycle
  • Using simple exercise motions such as clapping, moving the arms in a rotating motion, standing for some minutes at a stretch and so on
  • Progressive ambulation exercises done slowly, such as learning and relearning how to lift a leg and place it in front of the other, how to properly place the heel and the toe to maintain balance, how to swing the arms and balance while walking and so on
  • Teaching the patient how to use various assistive instruments such as a walking stick, wheelchair or any other that may be required

A trained physiotherapist can assist in various ways to help you control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and provide as much relief as possible. You can book an appointment with one of our trained and experienced therapist to know more.

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