Feeling Bloated? Maybe You’re Suffering From These Health Issues

While that can surely be true, did you know that bloating can also point towards other health issues? If you often suffer from a bloating sensation, maybe you should check for some of these conditions.

1. Gluten Sensitivity Or Coeliac Disease

  • Also known as celiac disease, gluten sensitivity can often cause bloating, as well as pain in the stomach, constipation, smelly stool and fatigue.
  • Gluten is a type of protein that is mainly found in wheat and barley. While it does not cause a problem for everyone, some people are especially sensitive to it and can suffer from severe symptoms. This happens when your immune system mistakes gluten as a threat and releases antibodies to fight it. When that happens, the lining in your gut is damaged and your body is not able to absorb nutrients from the foods that you eat.
  • In severe cases, it can also lead to anaemia and osteoporosis.
  • Speak to your doctor and go for a blood test that can help determine if you have the condition. If required, your doctor may suggest a gut biopsy and endoscopy.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • As the name suggests, it is a term that is used to refer to a host of digestive conditions that can irritate your bowel motions and cause discomfort. Some of the main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include bloating, pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea.
  • Being stressed, eating certain types of foods can also trigger or worsen IBS.
  • Your doctor will be able to specify tests based on your symptoms, as no one test can diagnose the condition.

3. Bile Acid

  • Your liver removes excess cholesterol from your body by producing a type of liquid known as bile acid. Bile acid also aids in digestion. In some cases, when your liver produces too much bile acid, it could lead to watery bowel, a condition which is also known as bile acid diarrhoea (BAD) and bloating.
  • Your doctor may recommend a scan known as SeHCAT or refer you to a gastroenterologist depending on the severity of the condition.
  • Cholestyramine is a drug that can be prescribed to control the diarrhoea and help improve the condition.

4. Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS)

  • This condition is very similar to coeliac disease but also includes other forms of health issues such as pain in the joints and muscles, numbness or loss feeling in the legs, sudden weight loss and excessive fatigue.
  • Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, also known as NCGS, is a condition in which your body is sensitive to gluten but your immune system does not produce antibodies to fight it and nothing shows up in tests. In most cases, you will require to follow a gluten-free diet to get rid of the symptoms.

5. Sensitivity To Fermenting Foods

  • A host of foods contain a type of short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols known as FODMAPs. These can be naturally occurring in foods, or found in additives.
  • When your intestines are not able to process FODMAPs, they reach the colon, where they start getting fermented by bacteria. As a result your bowel starts to stretch and leads to bloating.
  • Foods high in FODMAP include apples, apricots, ripe bananas, cherries, dates, lychee, mango, peach, pear, plum, watermelon, dried fruits and fruit juices, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, peas, pumpkins, cow and goat milk, paneer, buttermilk, cream cheese, sour cream, kidney beans, lentils, soy beans, wheat, almonds, cashews and more.

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