Diabetes Myths Debunked.

Don’t eat too many sweets; you will get diabetes if you do so!
Say no to carbohydrates as you are suffering from diabetes.
Now that you have diabetes, you need to be on insulin for your entire life.

Some of these old wives tales prevent you from getting clarity and keep you away from your health goals. Here are the top diabetes myths dispelled.

, Diabetes Myths Debunked., Care24
This myth can be a huge hindrance in leading an active lifestyle. Exercising aids in reducing insulin resistance (this controls your blood sugar and keeps up with desirable values), keeps your weight in check and avoids long-term complications. For reaching your health goals, you need to get started on a good and reasonable exercise plan. Consult a health professional to customize your exercise plan according to your parameters and requirements.

Just because you have high blood sugar does not mean eating too much sugar got you there. The common notion that eating too much sugar causes diabetes is a myth. Though, there is a direct link between obesity and diabetes. Eating too much pure sugar or calorie dense food items can make you gain weight which can put you at risk or develop type 2 diabetes.

, Diabetes Myths Debunked., Care24
When you talk about diabetes, the most fearsome nutrient that comes to mind is Carbohydrates. People who are trying to prevent or manage diabetes very frequently face the conflict of how much carbohydrate to eat. The answer is: Not all carbs are bad. You need to choose wisely a variety of complex carbohydrates that do not break down easily and are not absorbed instantly by our body. Examples of these complex carbohydrates containing foods are whole grains, Pulses, and Dals, Beans, Pumpkin, Apple, Green Leafy Vegetables etc.

Diabetes is a convoluted disease. Many subtle signs and symptoms mark this association. You cannot entirely determine your blood sugar levels by the way you feel. Furthermore, not evaluating and taking care of your blood sugar levels can lead to serious complications. You need to monitor your blood sugar continuously by taking the tests and consulting your doctor. Do not entirely depend on your gut feeling.

Diabetes is a complex condition with many modifiable and non-modifiable factors. Modifiable factors like obesity, fat distribution, dietary patterns and physical activity put you at a significant risk of contracting diabetes. Maintaining your weight, exercising consistently and having a balanced meal can not only prevent you from developing diabetes but also help in reversing the condition.

Gone are those days where a sugar-free diet was emphasized to cure and manage diabetes. You do not need to follow a strict diet and devoid yourself of Food. Taking care you what you eat, how much you eat and in what form you eat it is the key to managing your condition. Having a balanced meal and eating small portions frequently also gives you a chance to indulge now and then.

Read More: Tips to eat your way through diabetes; Diet tips for a healthy Heart

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