10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices

Foods To Eat After A Brain Surgery Your Recovery Diet

To prevent or reduce heart ailments, you need to choose the right types of fats and eat less fat in general. Avoid fats that elevate cholesterol levels: saturated fats and trans fatty acids and use healthier oils like olive oil, soybean oil or rice bran oil.

Excess salt in your diet can cause blood pressure elevation which increases the development of heart problems. You can cut off excess salt intake by using less salt for cooking, avoiding table salt while eating, cutting down on processed and canned foods and avoiding crackers and snacks which are high in salt.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24













Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber and are power packed with vitamins and minerals. The fiber and antioxidant properties of various fruits and vegetables help in the prevention of heart diseases. Eating fresh produce can keep you full for a longer period of time and reduce your chances for opting for unhealthy snacks.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24











Being overweight can increase the risk of heart disease. Obesity caused by excess fat deposits in your body brings along with it a range of complex health issues. Maintain an ideal body weight for your height and age. A lifestyle change, balanced diet, and moderate physical activity can help you attain your desirable weight.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24








Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which prevent against heart diseases. The vegetarian sources of omega – 3 fatty acids are flax seeds, rapeseed oil or walnuts.

Sugar provides easily digestible and readily absorbable carbohydrates. A lot of people do not know that sugar plays just as much of a role in heart disease as fats. Excess sugar is converted to fat and is stored in the body. Eating more than what is required can cause weight gain, elevated blood pressure and contribute as risk factors for diabetes. Not more than 6-8 tbsp of table sugar should be consumed in a day.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24










How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Keep a check on the quantity that you eat. Use smaller plates, cups and serving spoons. Do not put excess food on your plate and refrain from second helpings. While eating out at restaurants, do not order more than what is required and stop when you are full. Avoid storing super-sized food packages at home.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24










Foods that have antioxidant properties reduce inflammation, reduces “bad” cholesterol and increases the “good” cholesterol, keeps your blood pressure in the desirable range and boosts your immunity. Foods like garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables, berries, oranges, flax seed, and nuts do better than you think.

, 10 Diet tips for making Heart-Smart choices, Care24









A Sedentary lifestyle is a major cause of developing heart diseases. Physical activity keeps your weight in check, improves your heart rate, pumps more oxygen into your blood and keeps your heart healthy. Indulging in at least 30 mins of aerobic exercise has proven to improve your blood pressure and reduce the damage and stress your heart goes through.

Practice daily regime of diet goals and aim for a healthier lifestyle. Plan your menu a day prior and try sticking to it. Account for the foods and the amounts you eat and assess yourself. Check your blood pressure routinely and give your heart the best TLC.

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