Dental Facts: 5 Myths You Thought Were Facts

But think about it. There are so many things you hear about taking care of your oral hygiene, that sometimes, it can get difficult to separate the myths from the truth. Here are some myths about dental care that you thought were true, but that may not be so true after all.

Myth 1: Only Sugar Leads To Cavities

Fact : Any Acidic Food Can Cause Cavities

This is one of the biggest myths that most of us believe to be true, and pass it on to our children too. The bacteria in your mouth produce acid, which further leads to cavities. Acidic foods cause a breakdown of your enamel, which is the outer shell of the teeth. As a result, the tooth gets weak and eventually decay sets in. In fact, the simplest carbohydrates that you consume are also responsible for causing cavities. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and any sweet product is equally responsible for causing cavities.

To avoid cavities from any sources, reduce the amount of acidic products that you consume.

Myth 2  Kids Are More Prone To Cavities Than Adults

Fact: Adults Are Equally Prone To Cavities

No, it is not just kids who are prone to cavities, but even a large number of grown-ups can face the same issue. Many times, even senior citizens or adults who are on a lot of medication have similar issues. The reason is that there are various medicines that cause a lot of dryness in the mouth. When that happens, your mouth produces less saliva, which otherwise acts as a protective coating over your teeth.

Make sure you drink enough water especially if your mouth feels dry.

Myth 3 – A Child’s First Dental Visit Should Be Around Age 3

Fact: The First Dental Visit Should Be As Soon As The First Tooth Appears

Unfortunately, most parents do not realize that this is a huge myth, and end up damaging their kids dental health from the start. It is important to take your child for the first dental appointment the moment the first tooth comes in. In some babies, this could be as early as 5 months, while in some babies, it could be around the first birthday.

Whatever the age, it is important you take your baby to the dentist as soon as you spot the first tooth.

Myth 4  Regular Polishing Keeps Teeth Clean

Fact: You Require Cleaning And Some Amount Of Polishing

The process of polishing your teeth will help to keep the surface smooth, but cleaning the tooth will help to remove plaque, as well as any stains and tartar. The fact is that bacteria make an appearance on your teeth within 30 minutes of polishing. So while it is still more of a cosmetic procedure than a health one, it is more important that you go for a regular cleaning procedure.

Check with your dentist as to how frequently you need a cleaning appointment.

Myth 5 Only Hard Bristle Brushes Can Really Clean Teeth

You may think that the harder the bristles the better it will clean your teeth, but in reality, using a soft bristled toothbrush will not just clean your teeth, but also keep the tooth and gums protected. Dentists often recommend going for soft bristled toothbrushes, as they will not cause any damage to the surface of the teeth. Also, while brushing, you will not end up damaging or hurting your gums.

Get a soft bristled toothbrush that reaches all the areas in your mouth.

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