Breastfeeding Foods: What’s Safe And What’s Not

For all those months that you breastfeed, whether exclusively or otherwise, do take a look at what all you should eat and what you should definitely avoid.

While you are breastfeeding, definitely AVOID EATING the following:

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits can often end up irritating your baby’s bowel movements, making them more prone to diaper rash. It can also increase the acidic content in your baby’s bowel and cause overall discomfort as well as spit ups. In order to make sure that you do not go low on the vitamin C factor, add other fruits to your diet, such as mangoes and papayas.


It is true that garlic is loaded with health benefits, but it is also one of the biggest causes of colic in babies. When you consume garlic, it can often cause a feeling of bloating and discomfort in your baby, and lead to stomach pain and colic. Also, many babies find the taste of garlic offensive, and when it is so distinguishable in the breast milk, may refuse to feed.

dairy products

While it may seem contradictory that you should avoid too much dairy products while you are breastfeeding yourself, the reason behind it is simple. Often, babies are not able to digest milk products and may be lactose intolerant. The best way to help your baby breastfeed without causing any triggers to the lactose intolerance state is to avoid having too many dairy products for the months you breastfeed. Babies who have a hard time with colic and vomiting are likeliest to be diagnosed with lactose intolerance.


While fish is loaded with nutrients, there are certain types that can cause allergies and pass it on to your baby. If you or a family member have ever had an allergy from fish, avoid it as much as possible while breastfeeding. Most fish contain a high level of mercury that can cause health issues in babies.


While a cup or two of tea or coffee is perfectly fine, stay away from drinking more cups, especially coffee. When you drink coffee or tea in excess while still breastfeeding, it can make your baby cranky and uncomfortable, and cause disturbance to the sleeping routine.

While you are breastfeeding, try to include these foods in your diet:

oats meal

A bowl of oatmeal is a great way to keep you feeling full and give you a good dose of fibre, as well as help to increase your breastmilk. Not just that, eating oatmeal will also keep your cholesterol levels in check.

fresh carrots

Carrots are loaded with carbohydrates and potassium and will also help you reduce the baby fat easily. In addition, it also helps to boost your milk production and will aid in breastfeeding.

fennel seeds

Adding fennel to your foods will help fight any digestive issues, as well as boost your milk supply. It can also help to ease any queasiness and keep you healthy overall.


Almonds contain good fats as well as antioxidants that are good for your health as well as help to increase your milk supply. Make sure that they are plain ones and not salted, as that will increase your sodium levels.

Remember that your doctor will be the best guide of what you should eat and avoid while breastfeeding, so do discuss it with your medical professional first.

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