As temperatures dip, here’s how you can prevent joint pain.

So here’s what you can follow to prevent, reduce, and in some cases, even rid yourself of joint pain to enjoy the winter cosying up under the sheets as against spending sleepless nights in pain.

Make sure you’re including sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet. People with arthritis or joint pain should follow an anti-inflammatory diet which means to include foods that fight inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids, minerals such as calcium, vitamins A and C, anti-oxidants such as anthocyanidins, beta-cryptoxanthin may prevent arthritis.

One can find Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts. Soy beans are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids too, especially for vegetarians. For calcium consumption, though dairy is the best source, one may not stop there. Leafy greens and legumes are also good sources of calcium. Broccoli is a must-have for people experiencing joint pain. It is not only a great source of calcium but also contains vitamin A and C. In fact, broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of that in an orange. Collard greens, cabbage, okra or lady’s finger (bhindi), figs, almonds, oranges, beans (both white and red), salmon are other foods that may be consumed for calcium and vitamin intake. Anthocyanidins can be found in strawberries and beta-crytoxanthin can be found in pumpkins, papayas and apricots.Use olive oil or walnut oil in place of any oil that you may be presently using. Find ways to include olive oil in your diet by way of healthy salads and more.

As stated before, lack of sunlight may be the main cause of pain in your joints and bones. As much as winter can make it difficult to get out of bed, it’s important to spend some time in sunlight to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. A 30 to 45-minute walk in sunlight is essential for vitamin D intake which is vital to the absorption of calcium which, in turn, is responsible for strong and healthy bones.

Sunlight Prevents Joint Pain

It is beneficial to incorporate light exercises and yoga in your lifestyle in order to relieve yourself from joint pain. Swimming and cycling are great ways to exercise the joints, especially in the elbow and knee areas. Some of the highly recommended asanas for joint pain include Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and Makara Adho Muktasvanasana (Dolphin Plank Pose). Practising at least three or all of these asanas daily is advised, along with adequate sunlight and the right diet to free oneself of joint pain.
Yoga Helps Reducing Joint Pain

Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose

One can perform knee isometric exercises and leg lifts to relieve oneself of knee joint pain.

Maintaining the right posture is important to avoid pain in the lower back, neck and knee areas. Sitting erect as against to slouching keeps the spine strong and steady. Squatting down to pick something up instead of bending forward is better for those with back pain issues. At the same time, squatting should be avoided if one has pain in the knee joints. Ergonomics tools may be used to ensure the right posture; there are many such tools available in the market these days. For instance, if you spend long hours at the desk, you can consider buying an ergonomic chair that ensures you sit right. Set up an ergonomic workspace that takes care to see that your eyes are at a safe distance from the screen and the desk is at an appropriate height.

It is surprising what simple modifications to your lifestyle can do for you; so be sure to try these tips and hopefully, you’ll no longer have to dread the winters but instead welcome them with eager eyes, throw in more of those celebrations, camp fires and barbecues.

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