Anxiety Disorder: How To Beat It

The first signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder often show up as early as age 11, but often they are mistaken for mood swings and other behavioural issues. If not treated on time, anxiety disorder can take over everyday life, and interfere with regular activities.

Diagnosing And Understanding Treatment Options


Anxiety disorder is one of the most common types of mental health condition, and is as serious as other mental health conditions such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Diagnosing the condition on time will help the doctors to assess the right type of treatment and prevent it from turning severe.

For the diagnosis

  • The doctor will go through family history and perform a physical examination in case the patient also has any other medical condition.
  • A psychiatrist or psychologist will be part of the examination process in case the condition has already progressed from the initial stages.

Once the doctors complete the diagnosis process, the following treatment options can be put to use, either as a stand-alone option, or in combination with other treatment.

For the Treatment

1. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Also known as CBT, it is a type of treatment option in which the professional will help the patient take one normal step at a time and resume regular everyday routine. It helps the patient to relax, talk or perform tasks at a slower pace instead of becoming hyper, prevent and reduce the number of negative thoughts, understand and accept reality and certain situations, as well as try to find a more positive approach to everyday things and thoughts.

2. Psychotherapy

It is a type of therapy option in which the professional will help the patient to create a more positive way of thinking and handle stress in a better way. As the name suggests, it involves working on the patient’s psyche and turning negative thoughts into positive ones. In case the patient is suffering from severe anxiety disorder, psychotherapy may also involve the use of medicinal drugs.

3. Medicinal Drugs

There are certain medications that are prescribed by doctors to treat anxiety disorder. These may be used alone, or in combination with other alternate forms of treatment. Known as psychiatric medication, these drugs are also sometimes referred to as psychotropic or psychotherapeutic medicines. The most common types of psychiatric medicines are anti-anxiety medicines and anti-depressants.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of anxiety disorder as well as worsen an already existing condition. Reducing or quitting alcohol consumption, smoking as well as substance and drug use can have a positive effect on anxiety disorder.

Tips To Beat Anxiety Disorder

think positive

  • Most anxiety disorder attacks start with a sudden rise in heartbeat. The moment you feel the rush, start breathing in and exhaling slowly. Count very slowly from 1 to 10, and then again from 10 to 1. Repeat a few times till you feel your heartbeat returning to normal.
  • Whenever you get negative thoughts, try thinking about things, people and situations that make you happy. Close your eyes and imagine the person who makes you smile, or imagine a place where you love visiting. If possible, call up the person and speak to improve your mood.
  • Include physical activities in your daily routine that are of interest to you, such as swimming, running, cycling, dancing, playing a sport, or any other activity that you can continue for a period of time.
  • Try getting at least 8 hours of restful sleep. If you experience sleeping disorders, try calming techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or even taking a warm shower before sleeping.

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