8 Tips For Cataract Surgery After-Care

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8 Tips For Cataract Surgery After Care.

It is advisable to stay easy on the eyes for the first 3 to 4 days, after which you can slowly move to your regular daily routine. Here are a few tips you should follow to get the maximum out of your post-surgery cataract recovery time.

1. Taking A Shower

Your doctor will give you the go-ahead in taking a regular bath or shower, but may advise you to keep the eye area dry. Pay heed to what your doctor says and make sure you follow accordingly.

Your doctor will prescribe you some eye drops that will help to control any inflammation as well as reduce your risk of any type of infection. For the first week or so, you will have to apply these drops a few times a day, so make sure you know exactly how many times and when to do so. Please follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. You may also have to continue using the drops for a longer time, sometimes a few weeks or even months at a stretch, depending on the kind of inflammation you have.

It is natural to feel some pain and discomfort till a few days after you have the surgery. Your doctor will prescribe you certain pain killers so make sure you have those as suggested. The pain and discomfort will ease away very soon and you will be taken off the pain killers.

You can slowly start resuming your daily activities, but make sure you avoid doing anything that requires you to bend over. If you do have to reach down, gently bend yourself at the knees and lower yourself, instead of bending down at the waist. When you bend down from the waist, you will end up putting pressure on your eyes, which can be harmful.

Going in a swimming pool where others also come in, or even in your private pool, is a strict noäóñno. Make sure you avoid going inside the swimming pool for at least a week or two after the surgery, to reduce your risk of an infection.

While you may feel you are absolutely fine and can comfortably go out after the surgery, it is advisable to stay home for the first week after you are back. This will help you to avoid any dust and pollution from the outside, which can irritate your eye and lead to the risk of infection. Also, if something does enter your eye, you may immediately want to touch your eye or rub it, which can be very dangerous for your recently operated eye.

Even if you feel it won’t directly touch the inside of your eye, avoid wearing any type of eye makeup for at least the first 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery. If possible, stay away from wearing any type of makeup for the first 2 to 3 weeks, as some residue may enter the eye and cause infection or itching.

Most people who have a cataract surgery feel their vision is restored quite soon and are confident of driving. However, a good test that can determine whether or not you are really ready to drive is if you can comfortably read a number plate at a distance of about 20 meters, with both the eyes open. To be safe, once you do start driving, ask someone to sit with you in the front seat, so that in case of any emergency, there is someone to take control of the vehicle and avoid any accident.

You may or may not have to wear glasses after the surgery, and your doctor will decide this based on how well your vision has returned to normal. In some cases, those who did not need glasses before the surgery may now need it. This is because the artificial lens implants that are done in your eye will make it difficult for you to focus on objects at various distances.

Follow your doctor’s advice and basic safety tips to make sure your eyes are fine, especially during the recovery phase.

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