8 Early Signs That Help You Spot Brain Haemorrhage

brain haemorrhage

The term haemorrhage means blood that gushes forward. Brain haemorrhage is a condition in which there is a sudden gush of blood in the blood tissues that leads to brain damage.

Here are some of the most common signs that will help you spot a brain haemorrhage that could just start to affect you, or a loved one. Even if you are not sure if it is really a case of brain haemorrhage, make sure to get in touch with a medical team immediately to avoid any complications.

1. Sudden Headache

One of the first signs of brain haemorrhage is almost often a sudden and very severe type of headache. It is possible that you did not feel any pain or discomfort, but suddenly, the headache becomes blinding and makes it difficult for you to function.

2. Nausea Or Vomiting

In most cases, the next sign that will almost immediately accompany the sudden and severe headache is a feeling of nausea, or vomiting. You may feel as if you want to vomit, or you could actually vomit. Combined together, these two are often the most tell-tale signs of a brain haemorrhage.

3. Pain In Leg Or Arm

Along with the headache, you may also feel a sudden shooting pain in the leg or in the arm. The pain could be localized and in one area. Also, it could be sudden and throbbing, or even a shooting and stabbing type of pain.

4. Lack Of Energy

Whether you are rested or are in the middle of some work, you will suddenly feel a loss of energy. In severe cases, you may even find it difficult to stay awake and may feel as if you need to lie down immediately.

5. Vision Changes

Another very prominent sign of a brain haemorrhage when combined with the sudden headache and nausea is a change in vision. You may suddenly start seeing blurry, or may not be able to see at all. Some patients also suffer from severe light sensitivity and are not able to tolerate even the dimmest of lights. Also, exposure to any form of light can make you feel nauseous.

6. Loss Of Balance

If you are suffering a brain haemorrhage, you will find it difficult to maintain a sense of balance. You may find it difficult to walk properly, to place one leg properly in front of the other, or may even find it difficult to get up to a standing position from a sitting position.

7. Problem In Speaking And Hearing

Along with a difficulty in vision and balancing, you will also find it difficult to hear, as well as speak. You may feel as if the sounds you hear are coming from a distance. Also, when you try to speak, you may not be able to form coherent words, or may not be able to make any speaking sounds at all.

8. Fainting

You may suddenly start to feel dizzy or in severe cases, may even faint. The fainting spell could be right after a vision problem or balancing problem. In some cases, it can also be the first sign that something is wrong.

A brain haemorrhage is a serious health issue that can lead to permanent disability and even death. Make sure to spot the signs in time and rush to the nearest medical facility.

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