4 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

breast cancer awareness

If someone in your family had breast cancer, whether it is your mother, sister, aunt, grandmother or anyone you know of, take care right away. Fix an appointment with your doctor and pass on the information. Your doctor will then suggest some additional tests that will help to double check the results and be absolutely sure about your health or risks.

It is important to check your breasts regularly at home, so that you can look for any changes that may arise. For instance, you can easily do a home examination and see if there are any visible lumps on your breasts or the surrounding area. Some more signs you should watch out for are any redness, any change in the size of your breasts, or any spots that you notice anywhere, on or around your breasts. Even if you find something very minor, mention it to your doctor.

A mammogram is a test that will help your doctor check if you are at a risk of breast cancer, or if you have already developed the same. However, a mammogram test will not always give accurate results. If you are very young, your mammogram results will most likely not pick up any signs. Speak to your doctor if there are any other tests you should go for.

It is important that you start maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that you can improve your immunity as well as keep yourself healthy overall. Cutting down or quitting smoking and drinking are the first two steps that can help you reduce your chances of breast cancer. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly can also help you stay healthier.

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and keep your shoulders upright. Place your arms on the hips.
  2. Examine your breasts and see if you notice any spots or darkness. Also look and feel for any lumps.
  3. Check the size of both your breasts and see if they are even. Look for any swelling too.
  4. Now place your arms over your head and look for the same signs again.
  5. Check if there is any discharge from your nipples – watery, bloody, yellow or milky.
  6. Lie down on your back and feel your left breast with your right hand to find if there are any bulges or something that you did not notice earlier. Do the same with your other breast, using the left hand.
  7. Make sure you try the examination even when you are in the shower, as it can sometimes be easier to spot the difference when your skin is wet.

Talk to your doctor and understand how often you need to do a breast examination, as well as any other tests. Your doctor will check your family history and overall health and advise accordingly.

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