Stress management is an art. Be it the way you tackle situations, handle people or prioritise work. Healthy Food plays a crucial role in optimum Stress Management. Care24 has put together a list of Healthy food items which will aid in achieving the goal of reduced stress. Interesting foods to keep your tummy delighted, and stress at bay! Eat mindfully. Eat Healthy.
This is a food loved by all from a child to grown-up. Chocolate has anti-oxidants which help in reducing the stress, specifically dark chocolates. They also regulate your blood circulation and also lower down blood pressure.
Blueberries are rich in vitamin c, and a good source of fiber, potassium. They contain anti-oxidants which help in anti-aging and reduce stress. They also help in increasing memory and fight heart diseases.
Almonds are rich in vitamins, proteins which are good for brain and heart, regulates cholesterol. They are good for skin as well and reduce anxiety. They also help in preventing cancer and boost energy.
Avocado contains highest protein amount than any other fruit. It provides fiber, vitamin k, vitamin e, folic acid which are beneficial for body helps in reducing stress. It also helps to balance blood sugar and helps to reduce weight.
Milk contains natural antacids which help in building muscles, promoting proper sleep. Therefore, helps in reducing stress. It also makes the teeth and bones stronger and improves hair health.
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