Physiotherapy For Paralysis
Paralysis is a medical condition where a person experiences a loss of muscle function in the body and suffers from loss of any feeling in the affected part. It can either affect one side of the body, known as hemiplegia, or both sides of the body, known as diplegia. Paralysis can be caused due to various reasons, and the most common reasons are any form of injury to the spinal cord or head, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. While there is no proper paralysis physiotherapy treatment, working on physiotherapy for paralysis patients can help the patient cope better.
1. Aerobics

Aerobics – Physiotherapy For Paralysis Patient
- The physiotherapist for paralysis will make a customized exercise plan based on the patient’s overall condition.
- For the session, the therapist may use different aids such as handrails, support straps and gait belts that will help to maintain and improve balance.
- If the patient is not able to stand up without support, more than one physiotherapist for paralysis may be needed for the session to help the patient take steps as well as help improve upper body strength and balance.
2. Leg Rotations

Leg Rotations – Paralysis Physiotherapy Treatment
- The physiotherapist will help the patient try out a range of motion exercises for the lower body. These will help to improve the functioning of the muscles in the lower body.
- One common physiotherapy for paralysis patients in such a case is the one that aims to improve the functioning of the hip joint. The therapist will help the patient lie down on the bed or on a mat, depending on the patient’s comfort. The patient has to extend the legs forward, keeping them straight.
- The therapist will provide support to the knee joint and the ankle, as the patient moves one leg outward and then takes it inward. While doing so, the patient has to lift the leg a little so that it crosses over the other leg. The therapist will help the patient return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg and do more repetitions.
3. Physical Conditioning

Physical Conditioning – Physiotherapist For Paralysis
- The physiotherapist will create a combination of various exercises that will help to improve the patient’s balance, stability as well as coordination. This is especially important for a person who is affected with paralysis, as it will help the body react better to the exercises and perform them better too.
- There is a range of active as well as passive exercises that the therapist will suggest. Active exercise refers to the type of exercise that focuses on a particular part of the body. For this, the person has to do various movements by contracting and relaxing the muscles. Passive physiotherapy for paralysis patients refers to the type of exercise where motion is given to a particular part of the body by an outside source, such as a physiotherapist for paralysis, exercise equipment, a machine and so on.
- A mix of activities as well as passive exercise will help prevent muscle atrophy, a condition in which the patient experiences a decrease in muscle mass. In severe cases, muscle atrophy can completely waste away from muscle power. Physical conditioning which is a part of paralysis physiotherapy treatment can help to strengthen the muscle power as well as help the patient cope better to use partially damaged limbs.