Keep your loved ones safe with us, during the COVID-19 pandemic

Get Trained Caregivers For Dementia Patients at Home in Delhi-NCR

What causes Dementia?

Dementia is not a specific disease rather a general term for consistent decline in mental abilities. When it is severe enough to start interfering with patient’s daily activities, it’s referred as a medical condition. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia.


Dementia is caused because of damage to brain cells. Though people aged 60 years and above are more vulnerable to Dementia, anybody could suffer owing to varied factors.

Why Choose Our Team


Our nurses are highly trained & experienced to give professional care to the patient


Our all nurses are certified & well experienced.

Constantly Trained

Our nurses and attendants have regular drills to keep ready for all situations.

Handling Patients With Special Abilities

We understand that patients with special abilities need special attention & our nurses are very much capable to provide appropriate care

100 % verified

100% Verified

We have a completely transparent system that is designed to be with the patient at every stage of the process.


Thoroughly Evaluated

Our methods and care plans are thoroughly valuated, and follow the best medical practices and guidelines.

In order to ensure your safety:

personal care

Caregivers are Trained on Precautions and Symptom check

caregivers provided with ppe

Caregivers Provided with PPE

temperature checks

Temperature Check Before Job


Happy Patients


Years of experience


Strong Team


Cities We Operate In


Happy Patients


Years of experience


Strong Team


Cities We Operate In
