What Are The Skin Problems Caused By Diabetes

What Are The Skin Problems Caused By Diabetes

People with diabetes face a variety of skin problems. Diabetes patients are at a heightened risk for bacteria skin infection. The bacteria Staphylococcus causes styes, boils, folliculitis, and even cellulitis (deep infection). Commonly known as Staph infection, it is severe in those with poor control of their diabetes (people who do not follow a proper diabetic diet). Fungal infections may change the nails, body folds, genital regions, and feet. The body folds thicken and darkens due to insulin resistance, which is also known as acanthosis nigricans and can be early signs of developing diabetes. Diabetic dermopathy, damage to small blood vessels of the skin, may cause small, brownish spots on the legs. Granuloma annulare is red, circular, or arc-shaped sores due to changes in the collagen of the skin.

If you have diabetes, there is a high probability of you developing several skin problems. One out of three people with diabetes have skin diseases anywhere from head to toe. The reason for having skin problems related to diabetes is that in some cases, dryness due to dehydration comes with high blood sugar levels. Due to which the nerve damage caused by diabetes can stop you from seeing an infected area. To tackle dryness of skin, you must manage your blood sugar levels and drink plenty of fluids to keep skin hydrated. 

The following are some skin problems related to diabetes that affects people. 

Bacterial infections – Diabetes Skin Problems

Bacterial infections are one of the skin problems due to diabetes. Bacterial infection can happen anywhere on your body on your scalp or between your feet. You may get a sty on your eyelid, a boil, or a deep infection of the skin called a carbuncle. An infected area is usually hot, swollen, red, and painful. Your doctor or health provider can prescribe medicines and discuss effective blood sugar control methods to help limit future infections. Do not try to scratch open a dry or cracked skin and by monitoring your skin every day for wounds or redness. 

Dry, itchy skin – Diabetes Skin Problems

The body loses fluid when the blood glucose level is high. Also, the nerve damage can reduce sweating and dry out the skin. Manage your blood sugar, and drinking lots of fluids is always a great way to maintain skin hydration. By using mild soap when bathing and avoiding hot water can better the dryness of the skin. Make sure to use a moisturizing cream after thoroughly drying your body. Another way is to use a home humidifier during cold weather can be beneficial.

Fungal infections – Diabetes Skin Problems

Fungal infections are common skin problems due to diabetes. Vaginal yeast infections, athlete’s foot, and ringworm are some common fungal infections. You’re more prone to get fungal infections if you have diabetes. The fungus called Candida albicans thrives in warm and moist places, such as under the breasts, in the armpits or groin area, around the nails, between fingers and toes. The best way to prevent infection is to keep your skin clean and to dry your body well after bathing or showering. Over-the-counter medicines and prescribed medicines are available to get relieved of the fungus and itchy-ness.

Calluses – Diabetes Skin Problems

Calluses are another skin problem related to diabetes. A callus is a hardened bump on the skin that can develop from constant friction, due to your shoe rubbing on the toes or other parts of your foot. Utilize a pumice stone to soften existing calluses or wear shoes that fit well and don’t rub. The purpose is to avoid friction, and by following something that can help with friction will help heal calluses faster. 

Diabetes-Related other skin conditions

Skin conditions related to diabetes occur in people with poorly managed diabetes. The following are some skin conditions related to diabetes. 

Diabetic dermopathy is a skin condition caused by diabetes, which causes brown spots or lines on the skin, generally on the shins. 

Acanthosis nigricans, skin condition due to diabetes, causes dark patches of velvety skin on the back of your neck, hand, or groin area. Acanthosis nigricans indicates excess insulin in your blood. The best remedy for the condition is weight loss. 

Necrobiosis lipoidica is a skin condition caused by diabetes that looks like pimples – a solid yellow, brown, or reddish bumps that turn into patches of hard, shiny, swollen skin.

Digital sclerosis is a skin condition related to diabetes which creates a thick and waxy skin that develops of the hands and feet mostly on the backside.

Eruptive xanthomatosis is a skin condition related to diabetes that causes itchy, yellowish-colored bumps on the backs of hands, feet, and buttocks. It usually happens when your diabetes is out of control.

Make sure to keep your diabetes in control to avoid the above conditions. Try to eat healthier food that can help to control your blood sugar levels. Diabetes and skin problems go hand in hand, so consult a doctor to manage your diabetes and for medications.

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