Treating Obesity With Physiotherapy This New Year

The world over, obesity has doubled since the year 1980. In the year 2014, more than 39 percent adults over 18 years of age were overweight, while more than 13 percent adults over the age of 18 were obese. Globally, 41 million children below the age of 5 years were found to be obese in the year 2014.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the following definitions can help differentiate between being overweight and being obese.

For Adults

  • You will be regarded as overweight if your BMI count is more than or equal to 25
  • You will be regarded as obese if your BMI count is more than or equal to 30

While there are various BMI calculators available online, they are not always accurate. You can easily get your BMI checked at a nearby medical facility to get the right number.

There is a lot that you can do with your physiotherapist to help control and fight your obesity. The first steps will be diagnosis and assessment, after which you have to keep the following in mind:

  • Be Regular About Your Exercise: Be sure to understand and learn the exact way to perform the exercises and be regular about them. There are various exercises that will not require too much effort and time, but will still help you burn calories and help your heart rate increase. This will help you in losing weight and maintaining it as well.
  • Do Some Additional Exercises After Consultation: In addition to the regular exercise regimen that your physiotherapist puts in your plan, there are some related exercises that you can do to get a more powerful impact. Your therapist will talk to you about what other exercises you can do and after what period of time, so that your body does not get overworked, but you are able to exercise on a consistent basis.
  • Diet Plan: Unlike what most people think, your physiotherapist will also help you prepare a proper diet plan in accordance to your overall health and the type of exercises that you are meant to do. For instance, while there are certain foods that will help burn fat and remove toxins from your body, there are other food types that will improve your muscle strength and build resistance. All of this will enable you to perform your work out as required, which will finally help you in losing weight and maintaining it.
  • Make sure you are open to try out new exercise forms you have never done before
  • Dress properly in comfortable clothes that fit well
  • Discuss your entire medical condition with the therapist and inform about any weight loss plan you may have tried earlier

Our team of experienced and certified physiotherapists can help you form the perfect plan that will cater to various exercise and diet needs. You can book an appointment on our site right now.

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