Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders

The mental illness in a person can lead to many changes in behavior, psychology and social engagement.

Unusual Behavior and Nervousness

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Observation of odd, uncharacteristic, peculiar behavior in a person. He/she is constantly nervous and is always suspicious of others.

Social Withdrawal, Apathy and Feeling Disconnected

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Sudden loss of interest in others, a vague feeling of being disconnected from oneself and surroundings. Loss of desire to participate in any activity and he/she lives in a sense of unreality.

Drastic Decrease in Day to Day Functioning

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

An unusual drop in functioning at school, work or social activities, like quitting sports, failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks.

Problem in Thinking

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Problems in concentrating, logical thinking and memorising. Also associated is illogical thinking, unusual belief about personal strength to influence events. Childlike thinking in adulthood.

Aberrant Sleeping and Eating patterns

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Drastic change in sleep and appetite. Either the person sleeps too much or is insomniac. Similar extremities in eating behavior. Also observable is decline in personal care and self esteem.

Mood Swings and Increased Sensitivity

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

The person faces constant mood swings, rapid and dramatic shift in feelings. His sensitivity to vision, sounds, touch or smell is heightened and he or she becomes ignorant of over stimulating situations.

Many factors cause Mental Disorders. Childhood abuse, unbearable stress at work or demise of a loved one can be some of the reasons.


, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Stress can prove to be detrimental in a person’s mental health. A person under stress for too long (chronic stress) can develop mental disorders, because the body’s stress response was not made to be continuously engaged. Stress can be due to work, health or financial problems or relationship worries.


, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Trauma caused due to an accident, natural calamity, demise of a loved one or tragic incident. Trauma can be emotional, physical or psychotic. It can lead to the development of mental disorders. These can be temporary or permanent.


, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Any kind of abuse, like physical, emotional, sexual, economic or psychological has a negative impact on a person’s health. Serious cases of abuse lead to poor mental health. A child with a history of constant physical or sexual abuse, is likelier in the future to be a victim of mental disorders. Instances like rape, ragging or beating lead individuals to take extreme measures.

Genetic and Family history

, Signs and Causes of Mental Disorders, Care24

Genetic factors also affect the brain health. If a family has a history of mental disorders, it is likely for a child to be diagnosed with such conditions. Developmental disorders like down syndrome, a genetic disorder in children, Schizophrenia , ADHD and depression have been related to genetic origin.

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