Life in a Metro: Some Ways to Beat Loneliness

Loneliness has been described as a severely distressing condition resulting from emotional or social isolation.

It drives many to alcohol or indiscriminate sexual affairs, and in extreme cases, suicide. Some health practitioners even describe loneliness as the silent killer stalking corporate corridors.

Each day hoards of young aspirants migrate to cities with hopes of a job and a great new life. But the grind of corporate life  with grueling schedules and long days that leave no time for socializing  soon takes over. The result is that many young people find themselves fighting loneliness.

According to a report published by the APA, a lack of friends isn’t simply an inconvenience when you want a movie partner or a ride to the hospital. A sparse social circle is a significant health risk. In one meta-analysis of 148 studies comprising more than 308,000 people, psychologists found that participants with stronger social relationships were 50 percent more likely to survive compared to those with weaker connections  a risk comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day and double that of obesity. (PLOS Medicine, 2010).

Some ways to beat Loneliness

Recognize that you are lonely

Very few of the clients I speak to admit they are really lonely; the general reason for feeling low is put down as work stress. Learn to recognize the signs that mean you are feeling socially isolated. One way to know is if you often use words such as:

I feel a strange sort of emptiness like something äs missing.

I find it difficult to talk to others and share my feelings.

Though I earn well and contribute to family expenses, I feel purposeless.

Even with a large group of colleagues, I feel alone.

I feel uncomfortable being alone with myself.

Develop meaningful relationships

Having a large crowd to hang out with is no antidote to loneliness. What you need are meaningful relationships with people you can depend on and share your laughter and concerns with, such as your family and friends.

Maintain contact

Make the effort to stay in touch with family and friends. Call to wish them on special occasions and attend social gatherings. Invite your parents or siblings to come over and visit you.

Restrict online socializing

Internet addiction is a leading cause of loneliness, according to some studies. Make effort to meet in person.

Join an exercise class

If you hate the thought of a gym, start walking around your building or in a nearby park , you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to strike up a conversation with others walking with you.

Volunteer for a cause

Teach your house helps child over the weekend. Or associate with a voluntary organization. This will help you connect with others and also provide meaning and purpose to life.

Seek Professional help

Sometimes loneliness is the result of social anxiety. A few therapy sessions with a trained professional can build confidence in forming relationships.

Get Spiritually connected

Praying or meditating for a few minutes may help that feeling of emptiness. Connecting with yourself spiritually also has a calming effect and aids introspection.

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