Importance of Cancer Coaching

Cancer Coaching is a health counselling and, social care service for people who have cancer. A Cancer Coach accompanies the patient and his family during throughout the cancer journey. Through one-on-one interactions and technology tools, the Coach makes sure that the treatment experience is smooth and restricts the impact on daily life.

, Importance of Cancer Coaching, Care24

The various areas where Cancer Coaches play a role are dealing with cancer side effects, stress and anxiety management, coping, updates on latest research and reports, etc. The cancer coach helps the patient and family with understanding diagnosis and their treatment plan. They assist the patient in accepting the lifestyle changes the patient undergoes due to cancer which often includes making real life changes in decisions around family outings, social events, professional settings, etc.

In addition to this, cancer coach provides help to the patient and family for their communication with their oncologist. They make a personal assessment of the patient, brainstorm about the patient worries and lack of understanding and also suggest the right questions to be asked to the consulting doctors in a short span of time.

As a coping mechanism, the cancer coach helps the patient to get in touch with individuals who have survived Cancer and get help from them. There’s a quote by Lance Armstrong “We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell. A cancer coach will be there with you to help you be strong at every point and fight cancer.

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