How Physiotherapy Can Help With Multiple Sclerosis

As it is an unpredictable condition, the symptoms can tend to flare and tone down at different points in time. Sometimes, it could affect you in a very subtle way, while in other cases it could also lead to serious health issues such as a stroke or a spinal cord injury. Using physiotherapy as a treatment option can help you develop strength and stamina in the affected part, as well as help you learn to cope with the various changes in your body that the disease can cause.

What A Physiotherapist Will Offer

physio assessment

  • Your therapist will inform you about the various ways in which the session can help in the overall rehabilitation process.
  • You will get access to different equipment that can help you perform your everyday tasks with more ease.
  • If required, your therapist will also talk to you about various group sessions that you can attend to learn more about coping and living with the condition.

Physiotherapy During Diagnosis

medical report

In order to make sure that your condition stays under control and does not aggravate, it is important to get in touch with a physiotherapist right at the beginning. Your doctor may suggest you meet one, or you can also ask for a physiotherapist to be present, once the diagnosis is done. Your physiotherapist will help you to clear out any doubts you have about the condition and how it can affect your body. Also, your therapist will tell you how the sessions can help you in overall rehabilitation and healing. Depending on the diagnosis stage, your therapist will also suggest whether or not you really require physiotherapy at a later stage.

What To Expect During The First Physiotherapy Session

explaining pain

For the first session, your therapist will not really schedule too many exercises for you. Instead, the main focus will be on understanding your symptoms and seeing how far they have gone to affect your body. Also, your therapist may give you some small tasks or exercises to see whether or not your body is able to perform those properly. Depending on these initial tests, your therapist will then create an exercise plan that will work best for you.

How Physiotherapy Helps In Rehabilitation

physio in action

Getting the right physiotherapy treatment for multiple sclerosis will help you in the following ways:

  • Help you create an exercise plan that will work best for your specific needs
  • Handle any issues related to balance and help you improve your overall balance
  • Take care of excessive fatigue and weakness and build on your strength and stamina
  • Help to reduce your pain and discomfort and show you how to prevent them in the future
  • Help you make the maximum use of your energy without depleting your energy resources
  • Assist you in movement and take care of any issues with the same
  • Enable you to perform your daily chores and activities more independently

A trained physiotherapist can be with you right from the diagnosis stage to help you understand how you can control your condition in the best possible way. You may get in touch with our medical team today to book an appointment.

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