Brain Stroke Recovery: What You Need To Know

The term haemorrhage means blood that gushes forward. Brain haemorrhage is a condition in which there is a sudden gush of blood in the blood tissues that leads to brain damage.

Different people take different amount of time to recover from a stroke. The first few weeks after the stroke are crucial, as you will start to recover from various issues you may face related to communication, memory, walking and such.

While stroke rehabilitation can help you get better, you can also take care of certain things at home to help you make the most of your recovery process.

  1. Going Home
    How long after the stroke you can go home will depend on your overall health as well as how your body responds to treatment while in the hospital. In some cases, your doctor may ask you to stay at a convalescent home for some time, before you go back home.
  2. Speaking And Communicating
    Many patients who suffer a stroke face problems in speaking as well as communicating properly. They may find it difficult to find the right words, may find it hard to say more than a few words at a stretch, or may even have problem with speaking at all. This condition is known as aphasia. When you suffer a stroke, the muscles that help you with speech are also affected, and as a result you have trouble speaking.
  3. Problems With Muscles And Joints
    It can be difficult for a stroke patient to resume regular activities as the muscles tend to get weak, or may not respond at all. You could feel the weakness in one part of your body, in only a part of the arm or the leg, or on the entire side. You could also experience stiffness in the muscles, making it difficult to move. The best way to recover from this is to create a specific exercise routine with a physiotherapist. Our trained therapists offer in-home exercise options, which means you can make the most of your rehabilitation phase right in the comfort of your home.
  4. Problems With Bowel And Bladder Motions
    When you suffer a stroke, you often suffer damage to those areas of the brain which are responsible for sending various messages to the bowel and bladder. As a result, you may not realize when you need to go to the washroom, may need to urinate more frequently, or may suffer from diarrhoea or constipation. Your doctor will assist you by prescribing medicines that can help you get better control over your motions, or refer you to a bowel or bladder specialist.
  5. Eating Or Swallowing Problems
    Sometimes, you may suffer damage to your nerves that are responsible for proper swallowing. As a result, you may end up choking or coughing while eating or afterwards, have a lot of hiccups while eating, or experience some discomfort in your chest area while chewing or swallowing. Your doctor will most likely refer you to a speech therapist who can help you with your swallowing problems that will eventually also take care of your eating issues. Sometimes, making a few changes in your diet will be enough to help you swallow and eat better, and your therapist will plan the same accordingly.

Once the patient starts the recovery process after a brain stroke, it will usually involve a number of phases such as treatment, spontaneous recovery, rehabilitation and return to regular living. The time taken for each patient to completely recover from the effects of the stroke can vary depending on the patient’s overall health and the severity of the stroke.

  1. Treatment
    The treatment after the brain stroke will begin in the hospital with acute care, which is aimed at helping the patient survive and also prevent a recurring stroke. This phase also involves taking complete care of the patientäó»s medical needs. During acute care, the medical team will assess the patientäó»s situation to make sure that all the symptoms are caused due to the stroke and not some other health condition. The team will also assess the type of stroke, the location as well as the severity. Once the patient is out of an immediate danger, the medical team will encourage the patient to start doing certain tasks independently, such as trying to get out of bed, eat and so on.
  2. Spontaneous Recovery
    Spontaneous recovery is the process in which the patient starts to recover independently, without any direct help from the medical team. This type of recovery comes naturally to most of the patients. In spontaneous recovery, soon after the patient has suffered the stroke, some of the abilities that were lost due to the stroke start returning on their own. Most of the spontaneous recovery happens very soon after the stroke, in the first few weeks actually. In some cases, it can also continue for a longer period of time.
  3. Rehabilitation
    Rehabilitation is a part of treatment that is aimed at helping the patient maintain the current abilities, as well as get back some or most of the abilities that were lost as a result of the stroke. The main aim of the rehabilitation process is to help the patient become more independent. In most cases, the rehabilitation process begins right in the hospital, even as the patient is being looked after under acute care. In many patients, the rehabilitation process continues even later. It could be as part of a formal rehabilitation program, or as part of an individual rehabilitation service.
  4. Return To Regular Living
    This is the last phase in the overall recovery phase after a stroke. Depending on the overall health of the patient as well as the severity of the stroke, the rehabilitation to return to regular living could last for a lifetime. It is a process in which the care team will help the patient as well as the family members understand how to deal best with the after effects of the stroke. It could include various activities that help the patient make the best use of available abilities and faculties, provided that the patient has lost some abilities due to the stroke.

As a survivor or as someone who is caring for a loved one who is recovering from a stroke, it is important to fully understand the details of everyday living. A home care giver can assist you in looking after your loved one with the right care and medical expertise.

You can get in touch with our team at Care24 to know more.

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