Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II

We’ve already covered more on the same in our earlier story, so do check that out as well. For now, here are some reasons why physiotherapy is good for you if you work in an office space and what are the benefits you can look at.

While our lifestyles are now more comfortably settled in air-conditioned rooms in front of screens, the so-called comfort is somehow impacting our health. Physiotherapy can be a perfect cure for those professionals who:

  • Have been suffering from any form of body pain and have been in the corporate sector for over a decade.
  • Young professionals who are joining the corporate world and want to avoid such health issues in the future.

Here are a few ways in which you can benefit from physiotherapy, especially if you spend a lot of time working in front of a computer:

1. Treating Knee Problems

, Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II, Care24

Sitting at the work desk for hours at a stretch can often cause severe pain in the knee that can also lead to other knee problems. A physiotherapist can analyse the exact condition and suggest you various exercises such as a leg stretch, leg cross, sit stands, step ups, leg squats and more that can help to keep your knee fit. Maintaining a healthy weight can also help to keep knee problems in check.

2. Relief From Muscle Cramps And Sprains

, Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II, Care24

Sometimes, when you overuse your muscles or if there is a deficiency of minerals and blood supply, it can lead to an involuntary contraction of the muscles. This, in turn, leads to muscle cramps. Similarly, a muscle sprain happens if there is a stretch or tear in the ligament, which helps to connect the bones through the joints. Certain exercises along with a gentle massage, relief sprays and the application of ice and temporary bandage can be a big help.

3. Proper Posture And Stretching Exercises

, Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II, Care24

Once you know how to maintain the right posture and how to correct your body’s alignment, it can help reduce almost 90 percent of your body pain issues. Make sure that you sit straight and avoid leaning or limping. Your physiotherapist will suggest you a mix of exercises such as chest expansion, chest stretches, strengthening the glute and shoulder muscles, stretching the trapezoids (neck area) as well as your thigh muscles. Depending on your condition and pain, your physiotherapist will suggest daily or frequent workouts.

4. Reiki For General Wellness

, Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II, Care24

Reiki is a very effective way of activating the natural healing process of your body and restoring your physical, mental and emotional well-being. It is a healing technique in which the therapist will channelize energy into your body by means of a healing touch.

5. Using Smart Equipment At The Work Desk

, Benefits of physiotherapy for professionals – Part II, Care24

Sometimes, using smart equipment at your work desk can cause a major improvement in your overall health and well-being. Things such as a standing work station, a kneeling chair, an anti-fatigue mat and such can create better postures and resting areas, and help you avoid pain.

  • Avoid sitting for long hours at a stretch
  • Take a small break and walk a few minutes every half an hour or so
  • Have a standing work station if possible
  • Glance outside the window or out in the natural space at least once every 45 minutes or so
  • Use an anti-fatigue mat to prevent your feet from getting tired too easily
  • Use a kneeling chair to reduce lower back pain and promote upper lumbar curvature
  • Get enough exposure to sunlight or have foods rich in vitamin D and vitamin B12.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, nutritional drinks and regular exercise, combined with physiotherapy can help you deal with pain and avoid the same as much as possible. As the popular saying goes, Prevention is better than cure so make sure you start taking the right measures now.

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