20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention

Here are 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Arteries are the vital blood carrying vessels in our body that carry oxygen-rich blood from our heart to the other body parts. When the arteries get clogged due to plaque formation, it blocks the blood flow to the vital body parts and this could lead to heart attack or stroke and can be lethal. Avocados help in reducing the total blood cholesterol.

Avocados are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids that reduce bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol in the blood stream. Consume an avocado every day for its artery-cleansing properties.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Pineapples are rich in a trace mineral called manganese that is vital for bone health and connective tissue build up. A cup of pineapple can provide you with up to 73% of your daily manganese requirements. Pineapple also is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in maintaining bone health.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Broccoli is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that help prevent damage from free radicals and this makes broccoli a super food for lowering blood sugar. Chromium and Sulphur compounds present in broccoli helps in lowering the blood sugar levels. Fibers in broccoli also reduces insulin resistance. Its antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and reducing oxidative stress properties make broccoli a must for blood sugar imbalance.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Kidney stones have become a common emerging health b complaint. People suffering from kidney stones have doubled in the last decade and if you fall in that crowd, start downing your lemonade. Lemon juice contains the highest amounts of citrate than any citrus food and this citrate helps in dissolving any calcium deposits in the kidneys that after a period, turn into stones.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Blueberries provide an easy and safe way to boost your brainpower and slow down memory loss. Blueberries that are rich in phytochemicals and flavonoids have shown to reverse age-related deficits in memory. A fistful of berries a day can exert potential benefits on your nervous system, brain health and can improve your memory.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Onions are a member of the allium family and the most common types of these flavorful bulbs are white, yellow and red. What truly makes the health benefits of onions so fantastic is the polyphenol quercetin. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine that reduces allergic reaction and prevents asthma. Quercetin stops the release of histamines and avoids allergic reactions in your body. It also lowers risk of heart diseases, cancer and bladder infections.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Celery a common vegetable, is readily available and is one of the best foods for lowering high blood pressure. Celery contains an active compound called phthalides which helps in relaxing the muscles in and around the arteries and creating more space for the blood to flow. 4 stalks of celery a day can help you lower your blood pressure considerably.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Arthritis attacks the joints causing inflammation, which in turn causes mild to severe pain, stiffness and limiting movement. Turmeric available as a bulb or powder is known to relieve arthritis because of its functional component curcuminoids. Curcuminoids reduce inflammation and reduces the swelling in the joints, thus alleviating the pain to some extent. Make sure to make turmeric a must for all your curries.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Cabbage looks promising, boasting numerous cancer preventing properties including antioxidants and glucosinolates. The isothiocyanates and indole 3 carbinol prevents against cancer and the bad effects of estrogen. The fiber in cabbage and other plant sources reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries. Green tea is an easy and inexpensive beverage that is showing promising results in prevention of many diseases, including stroke. Tea, because of its functional flavonoids, have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk. 4 cups of green tea can help slash the risk of developing a stroke.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Cayenne pepper for centuries has been used to treat and cure pain, inflammation, sore throat, digestive disorders and headaches. Cayenne pepper increases blood circulation immediately that relieves pressure in the head and instantly reduces the throbbing headache. So next time you feel a headache coming up, turn up the heat with peppers.

Banana is a part of the BRAT diet which is used it recover from gastrointestinal disorders. Banana contains fiber that is helpful as it hardens stools. It also is a natural antacid. Ginger root is widely used for its varied properties. Ginger root can treat any type of nausea, gas, heartburn, flatulence and diarrhea.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Anxiety and insomnia are two terms that are relatively linked to depression. Chamomile is known to reduce anxiety and relax your mind and body. Chamomile can be brewed along with tea or a sachet of Chamomile leaves can be kept under the pillow to relax and fight sleeplessness.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Pomegranates are a rich source of ellagic acid which can protect your skin from UVA and UVB-induced cell damage. Pomegranate possess compounds that helps in sun-protection and offer surprising relief if you catch too many rays.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Apple cider vinegar is widely known for its antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties that relieves itching, itching especially due to dry skin. It helps to reduce irritation and inflammation. Put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball or washcloth and apply at the required site to ameliorate a variety of skin complaints. 

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Fatty fishes like salmon and tuna are rich in long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Theses omega 3 fatty acids reduces the production of prostaglandins, they are the chemical like substances that cause inflammation and pain. Consume fatty fish twice a week for maximum effect.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Always keep this humble herb close to fight cold and flu. Garlic is known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Garlic obtains its properties from the presence of the compound allicin. Garlic can be added to your soups, curries or can be consumed raw too.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Mouth ulcer is a painful white sore that develops either on the tongue, gums, inner side of cheeks and lips. The best remedy for these ulcers is to consume basil leaves. Chew on 4-5 basil leaves to not only reduce sores but also to fight bad breath.

Food Cures for Disease Prevention, 20 Food Cures for Disease Prevention, Care24Cranberries are best known for preventing and curing urinary tract infections. UTI are caused due to the bacteria E.coli. Cranberries prevent the attachment of this bacteria to the wall of the urinary tract. Consume fresh berries or fresh juice for maximum effect.

Recurrent acid reflux can cause Gastro esophageal reflux disease commonly known as GERD. This condition can be controlled be consuming asparagus which is alkaline in nature. Asparagus maintains the acid-alkaline balance and reduces the occurrence of an acid reflux.

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